Corona virus may be transmitted through the eyes ... and a warning of the "dangerousness" of tears A recent study warned that the Corona virus can enter the body through the eye, indicating that tears contaminated with the virus may be a source of transmission. The results of the study, conducted by a team of researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in the United States, come after people who had been infected with the Corona virus complained of eye irritation and conjunctivitis. The Corona virus can attach to cells inside the body through "ACE receptors", and these receptors are found in the lungs and the respiratory system, but scientists have found that the eye also produces "ACE-2 receptors", making it a target for the virus. And the scientists who conducted the study revealed "the presence of the virus in tear samples of a number of people with corona," according to the British newspaper "The Sun", on Monday. They added that it is possible that the surface of the eye will serve as an entrance to the virus, if it is exposed to droplets flying in the air or by wiping the eye with a contaminated hand. The team took samples from the cornea of the eyes of some Corona virus patients, and found that the virus was particularly prominent in the conjunctiva and the cornea, according to the study. The results of the study also indicated that eye swabs showed the presence of the virus in the eye for 27 days after the initial symptoms of the disease, despite the absence of the virus in the nasal swabs. The results of the study may provide additional information regarding the role of the ocular surface in the transmission of the Corona virus, as it is possible that the surface of the eye may form a reservoir for the virus. The study team highlighted other studies related to the transmission of the virus through the eyes, including those that concluded that there is no clear evidence about the possibility of virus transmission through the eyes. The research team emphasized that the results of the study they reached highlight the importance of maintaining personal hygiene during the outbreak, and continuing to follow personal protection measures.